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FALL 2020

Selected for topic studio, this project is based on the idea of greater accessibility for people. 

The studio was majorly focused on creating homes and studio homes that allow for people with disabilities to flourish and live in a world that was built for them. The disparity seen in residential accessibility is immense and as a studio we wanted to bring light to this. Not only is inaccessible design discriminatory, it is also very nearsighted. As fragile humans, our physical abilities waver and deteriorate over time, and to design for these disabilities or physical challenges would be the most sustainable and universally welcoming option. 

This project is set in Mexico City and is inspired by the architectural language of Luis Barragan. This language is one of subtraction and massing. Emphasizing the main spaces of the room and creating circulation, storage, and secondary rooms in the negative space was key to allow for a feeling of depth and solid massing. 

The project is an exploration of these ideas of accessibility and the style used for the visual display of this was also meant to be acessible and easily understood by the public. In order to achieve this, Chris Ware's illustration style was employed, creating more domestic scenes of this architecture. 

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